It's later in the afernoon when Jaye waits again at the front of her house for a parent. This time, at least, her mom's there with her, waiting by the car. Karen isn't saying anything, but still, she's there.
Jaye's been a little on the bored side today. She hung out with Mahandra in the morning, then spent part of her afternoon dodging Sharon and Aaron by hiding out in her room and tryingtokeepbusy. Which works for about five minutes
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Jaye stays up late, for a specific reason. In her pajamas, she puts on shoes and goes outside and hangs out by the side of her cabin to make a phone call.
Jaye wakes up- on the floor with a blanket and the floppy bunny toy because the bed is too high- to a ringing phone. And sticky hands because Angela says you can't take baths which is okay because baths are bad. And glitter still all over her. And a growling tummy. She had a lollipop and candy from Rory for dinner. It might seem like real food to a
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